On June 2017, Tequila Smith, Shonda Johnson, and Aisha Reese were together at a birthday party for Tequila’s son, MJ. As the children played, they discussed their mutual undergraduate experience in the Iota Phi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®. The discussion developed into inquiries about a possible chapter in Trussville. The trio discussed why their children needed to see them present and working as leaders in the community.

Aisha had heard there was a chapter in Trussville but had not been able to find any information regarding a location or meeting dates. Conversely, Tequila had already researched and found the information required to establish a chapter in Trussville. She agreed to share the information with Shonda and Aisha. Before leaving that meeting, it was agreed that they each would review the information and discuss it again at the beginning of the year. The new year would be an optimal time for members to reactivate.

Later that evening, Tequila emailed the requested information. Each woman confirmed receipt and agreed to talk again at the beginning of the year. During the second week of January, Aisha contacted Tequila to discuss and develop a plan for discovering interest in Trussville. Within 20 minutes, Tequila developed a flyer and a plan to meet at Trussville’s Buffalo Wild Wings location.

There were 17 members present at the first meeting, most of whom would have to reactivate. They set a deadline for the next 30 days. Members would need to have reactivated and have the interest group application sent by that date.

Tequila created a private text chat on the GroupMe app so that all members could keep in touch and have a way to communicate. Members brainstormed and decided on the name Progressive Pearls of Trussville. It was agreed that “progressive” was an appropriate description for what they planned to accomplish in Trussville. Tequila also had a beautiful logo created to identify members as the Progressive Pearls of Trussville. Another member, Shonda, worked quietly behind the scenes to do anything needed to get tasks completed. Her words of advice were always “trust the process” even when things did not go as planned.

Aisha was given the task to contact mentor Nancy Sewell and get contact information for the Regional Director, Mary Conner. Nancy Sewell immediately inquired about the members, advised on a plan, provided the contact information, and requested we keep in touch. After obtaining enough members, we sent the first application to Mary Conner and discovered we missed the date to establish an interest group under her administration. However, she encouraged us to continue to grow, establish a cohesive bond, and show sustainability. She also agreed to pass the application on to the next administration.

While we waited, we continued to discover active and inactive members in Trussville and the surrounding areas. We came across these members at work, daycares, grocery stores, through line sisters, and at various community activities. When the new administration changed, we immediately mailed our application. Again, we continued to grow by seeking inactive members in the area. We agreed to meet monthly to keep in touch and continue growth.

The first meeting was held at the Trussville Library in August 2018. We wanted to practice parliamentary procedure to ensure our readiness in preparation for a possible visit from the regional director. Likewise, we elected the following officers: Tequila Smith, president; Aisha Reese, vice president; Kristi Eatmon, treasurer; Adrianne Wood, secretary; Nikesha Fantroy, historian; Sherri Moultrie, parliamentarian; Taneisha Tucker, chaplain; Shonda Johnson; doorkeeper; Errica Williams, corresponding secretary, Patricia Osborne and Letita Lockett; recording secretary and Cassandra Ridley: Sisterly relations chair. Joy Jackson was later voted financial secretary.

We attended clusters, conferences, dinners, parties, and community events together. Each of us was already active in the community, at events with our kids, and in numerous volunteer capacities. However, we became inseparable after identifying our collective membership in the most beautiful sisterhood.

In September 2018, South Eastern Regional Director Mitzi Dease Paige acknowledged receipt of the application. We continued to work to establish community relations, recruit new members, and grow. As we worked and grew closer, we ultimately acknowledged that we had found our sisters forever in Progressive Pearls of Trussville, even if we never became an official interest group. We would travel together, serve together, and raise our families in Trussville together.

In May 2020, we submitted an updated application per the regional director’s request. The regional director later contacted Aisha Reese by telephone to clarify the group’s activities. After the clarification of the activities, the regional director informed Aisha that the group must cease all activities and wait to be contacted with further instructions. In August, Toni Moore, South Eastern Region, Chief of Staff, sent an email request to meet with the group’s liaison. Aisha acted as the liaison between the group and the regional director. By this time, we had grown to almost 40 members. In August 2020, a date was set for the virtual visit.

On September 13, 2020, we made history by being the first interest group to have a virtual visit from Mitzi Dease Paige, South Eastern Regional Director. To prepare, members created smaller groups with assigned tasks designed to help organize the virtual visit. The interest group logo was also updated by Chasiti Shepherd at that time. There was a virtual tour of the city, and community leaders were also present on the call. Mayor Buddy Choat, Pastor Derrick Jordan, and Vincent Curtis spoke on behalf of Progressive Pearls of Trussville. We were notified that our interest group application would be presented at the fall directorate meeting after the visit.

On November 19, 2020, we became an official interest group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®.

A virtual interest group orientation was held on December 5, 2020.

In January of 2021, we held our first meeting led by Mitzi Dease Paige, South Eastern Regional Director, Toni Moore, South Eastern Region Chief of Staff and Ramona Hill, South Eastern Region Parliamentarian. During this meeting, we elected our interest group officers who have served Progressive Pearls of Trussville until chartering. The officers included: Aisha Reese, president; Taneisha Tucker, vice president; Cassandra Ridley, corresponding secretary; Patricia Osborne, recording secretary; Abril Holmes-Cook, historian; Kristi Eatmon, treasurer; and Joy Jackson, financial secretary.

Aisha Reese appointed the following officers: Claudia Tucker, chaplain and LaQuisha Buggs, parliamentarian. She also appointed the following committee chairmen: Amber Parker, sisterly relations chair; Joi Henderson, membership chair; Jacquelyn Perry, fundraising chair; and Chasiti Shepherd, technology chair. Stephanie Parker was later named the technology chair.

While functioning as an interest group, Progressive Pearls of Trussville completed programs, networked in the community, and raised over 6000 dollars with their first fundraiser.

On November 10, 2021, the regional director held a meeting with several interest group presidents, and Progressive Pearls of Trussville was one of the groups informed that they had met the requirements to charter a chapter. The regional director attended the interest group’s meeting on November 21, 2021 and shared the exciting news with the group. Progressive Pearls of Trussville were elated to continue working on programs and preparing for a chartering they knew would happen after April 2022. However, it was uncertain if the chartering would be virtual or in person.

Once the news was received that the chartering would be in person, Progressive Pearls of Trussville began finalizing the details to formally become a chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® and for their formal introduction to the Trussville community.